Spring Officers’ Meeting – What Happens There? Why Would I Go?
ALBANY, NY — Each year, usually the last weekend in April, the Eastern Division holds the Spring Officers’ Meeting (SOM). This annual event includes meetings for Division staff of various departments – OET, OEC, Instructional Development, Avalanche, etc. – as well as a Business Meeting of the Division Leadership and an Awards Banquet.
As the largest division in the National Ski Patrol, the Eastern Division holds a significant influence on national topics. Those topics – discussed at the Spring Officers’ Business Meeting – are focused on what improvements can be made at the national level for all of us on skis, boards, or bikes.
Most of us spend our winters on the snow, some of us spend our summers on two wheels, and many of us don’t think too much about what happens behind the scenes. However, any patroller in good standing is welcome at the Spring Officers’ Meeting to hear what the division is doing to help guide those national topics and decisions to benefit all patrollers.
Additionally, the Business Meeting showcases the different departments of the Eastern Division, with presentations on accomplishments, challenges, and plans for the next year. These presentations are not only informative but inspirational and motivating – maybe even an influence to become more involved in one of those specialties.
In between all of the business, there is some fun. The Awards Banquet is probably the best reason to make time to attend the SOM. It is always a pleasure to recognize patrollers who have gone above and beyond, to hear the stories, and to cheer for a job well done. Division-level awards are similar to those at area patrols, but the selection pool is from the entire Eastern Division – from Maine to West Virginia – so these awards showcase the best of us.
If you are interested in attending next year’s Spring Officers’ Meeting, let us know using the Customer Service links and you will be guaranteed to get the information when registration becomes available!